Multiple Channel Targeting
WIMS established the concept Multiple Channel Targeting. It is designed for brokers serving multiple insurance arrangements or channels from one single system.
Time-to-market is essential for the cultivating of profitable broker portfolios. The ability to act rapidly to the dynamics of business is crucial in competitions. WIMS transfers this task from the IT department to the portfolio management.
Brokers are not insurance companies. Nevertheless, they meet the same requirements from national and international supervisors. WIMS is given functionality to satisfy these requirements in a simple and efficient way.
Brokers survive by margins, which must be visible to the customers. Also, the customers need to see that the brokers’ effort and expertise give profit. WIMS is designed to expose the value of the broker.
The customers expect the results of the broker’s contribution to be homogeneous even if different carriers offer different terms for the same portfolio. This makes it necessary for the broker to be in full control of the organisation of the portfolio. This kind of control is secured in WIMS and makes it simple to replace carriers. In that way the freedom of action is maintained for the broker.